Welcome to my little piece of reef. This website is dedicated to my experiences in the reef keeping hobby.
Coral Reef Aquarium | Saltwater Fish | Hawkfish | Soft Corals | Hard Corals
Welcome to my little piece of reef. This website is dedicated to my experiences in the reef keeping hobby.
After 20 years in the reef keeping hobby, I was about to call it quits. My 90 gallon reef tank, setup since 2000, was giving me a problem that I couldn't fix. The problem you ask, was brown water. Water so brown that I couldn't see my fish unless they swam near the front glass and … [Read More...]
Here in the midwest, I am not a stranger to power outages. From thunderstorms, to tornadoes, to the electric company just not doing their job, to solar flares that threaten our power grids, I have had many power outages over the years since I have been keeping my aquariums. Many years ago, … [Read More...]
I have written a handful of articles for Reefkeeping Magazine (part of ReefCentral.com) which are geared towards the beginning reef keeper. If you are just starting in the reef keeping hobby, they are a good place to start. Scroll down to see the list of articles. You can also ask questions about … Read More
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